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Ratings Report - All Players by Club

AP Sports

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Andrew Meredith AP 'A' 1671
2 2 Samantha Apostol AP 'A' 1606
3 3 Edward Freeman AP 'A' 1474
4 4 Eddie Stafford AP 'A' 1382
5 5 Stephanie Hawkins AP 'B' 1277
6 6 Tony Williams AP 'B' 1214
7 7 Charlotte Freeman AP 'B' 854
8 8 Carol Meredith AP 'B' 658


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Roger Kelley Ashorne 1136
2 2 Simon Chalker Ashorne 1072
3 3 Henry Thornton Ashorne 1000
4 4 Chris Bowles Ashorne 853
5 5 Steve Bolton Ashorne 845


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 - Bob Harman BGN 2105
2 1 Paul Rowan BGN 1973
3 2 John Watson BGN 1827
4 4 Gary Jackson BGN 1734
5 5 Dong Wei BGN 1734
6 3 Malcolm Macfarlane BGN 1724
7 - Andrew Harman BGN 1598
8 6 Janice Rowan BGN 750


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Neil Wheatley Colebridge 'B' 2172
2 3 Graham Hoskin Colebridge 'A' 2152
3 6 Navinder Matharu Colebridge 'B' 2143
4 4 Michael Rinnhofer Colebridge 'B' 2100
5 5 John Chandler Colebridge 'A' 2066
6 7 Peter Roddy Colebridge 'A' 1906
7 8 Bob Brown Colebridge 'A' 1878
8 9 Thomas Gerald Hearne Colebridge 'B' 1812
9 10 John Taylor Colebridge 'A' 1808

Copeswood (Coventry)

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 - John O'Donnell Copsewood (Coventry) 1811
2 1 Steve Smith Copsewood (Coventry) 1674
3 4 Gordon Tucker Copsewood (Coventry) 1435
4 2 Dennis Mockford Copsewood (Coventry) 1410
5 3 Roy Joiner Copsewood (Coventry) 1397
6 5 Richard Jardim Copsewood (Coventry) 1315


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Allan Stockham Eathorpe 'A' 1805
2 2 Matthew Cooper Eathorpe 'A' 1634
3 3 Christopher Atkins Eathorpe 'A' 1364
4 - Murray Stevenson Eathorpe 'G' 1039
5 4 Michael Rossington Eathorpe 'B' 866
6 5 Charles Wragg Eathorpe 'E' 857
7 6 Ron Coats Eathorpe 'B' 816
8 7 Paul Deavall Eathorpe 'B' 753
9 8 Calvin Woodings Eathorpe 'B' 709
10 17 Alistair Nicholson Eathorpe 'C' 654
11 9 Eric Smith Eathorpe 'D' 567
12 10 Eugene Mawn Eathorpe 'D' 560
13 12 Sophie Cooper Eathorpe 'C' 528
14 11 Dave Hawker Eathorpe 'F' 473
15 13 Richard Freeman Eathorpe 'D' 449
16 14 Peter Nicholson Eathorpe 'E' 428
17 16 Thomas Jamie Eathorpe 'G' 414
18 21 William Hancock Eathorpe 'C' 394
19 20 Christopher Long Eathorpe 'G' 365
20 22 James Matharu Eathorpe J 352
21 15 Katie Hawker Eathorpe 'F' 331
22 18 Brian Yeates Eathorpe J 315
23 19 Keith Miles Eathorpe 'F' 314
24 23 Mark Hancock Eathorpe I 263
25 24 Ryan James Oldham Eathorpe J 248
26 35 Hannah Saville Eathorpe 'C' 242
27 25 Sophie Niepceron Eathorpe 'E' 193
28 26 William Henry Eathorpe 'H' 184
29 30 Elizabeth Hancock Eathorpe I 176
30 28 Matthew Jackson Eathorpe I 158
31 31 Pauline Parkes Eathorpe I 136
32 27 Jack Henderson Eathorpe 'G' 135
33 - Lucinda Stevenson Eathorpe I 112
34 29 Adam Kennedy Eathorpe 'H' 107
35 32 Jack Englert Eathorpe K 107
36 34 William Saville Eathorpe K 101
37 33 Jonathan Messling Eathorpe I 100
38 36 Robert Young Eathorpe 'H' 94


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 David Milton FISSC 'A' 1335
2 2 George Mudie FISSC 'A' 1075
3 3 John Hunt FISSC 'A' 994
4 4 Brian Marston FISSC 'A' 946
5 5 Tony Scott FISSC 'A' 858
6 6 Mark Kingham FISSC 'A' 723


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 2 Damon Fenton Flavels 1998
2 1 Trevor Bradley Flavels 1912
3 3 Len Coonan Flavels 1799
4 4 Mick Bennett Flavels 1686
5 5 Roger Potts Flavels 1636
6 6 John Earles Flavels 1561

Jordan F1

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Mike Skidmore Jordan F1 824
2 2 David Jordan Jordan F1 683
3 3 Mike Jordan Jordan F1 679
4 4 Bob Jordan Jordan F1 500


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Simon Dainty LCP Dreamers 479
2 2 Stephen Deeley LCP Packers 364
3 4 Simon Walmesley LCP Dreamers 342
4 3 Nick Blackmore LCP Dreamers 338
5 7 Douglas Smith LCP Packers 291
6 6 Sara Hemp LCP Groovers 267
7 5 James Dex LCP Inkers 259
8 8 Nicky Barrett LCP Inkers 242
9 9 Tom Moseley LCP Inkers 193
10 10 Stephen Pavlovich LCP Dreamers 159
11 11 Teresa Adams LCP Inkers 127
12 12 Dave Overton LCP Groovers 111
13 13 Philippa Dalley LCP Groovers 76
14 13 Katie Pett LCP Packers 46

Lillington Free Church

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Gary Webb Free Church 'A' 2354
2 3 Alan Jones Free Church 'A' 2210
3 2 Hugh Matthews Free Church 'A' 2122
4 4 Stuart Kurle Free Church 'A' 2064
5 - Brian Blessit Free Church 'A' 2050
6 5 David Daniels Free Church 'A' 1868
7 6 Chris Mulligan Free Church 'B' 1699
8 7 Tom Brocklehurst Free Church 'B' 1682
9 8 Cherrylyn Matthews Free Church 'C' 1395
10 12 Les Hoggins Free Church 'C' 1367
11 9 Les Booth Free Church 'E' 1363
12 10 Stuart Mills Free Church 'C' 1362
13 11 Emma Churchley Free Church 'B' 1271
14 16 Ian Rourke Free Church 'B' 1250
15 15 John Taylor Free Church 'C' 1247
16 13 James Hodges Free Church 'B' 1193
17 17 Peter Rourke Free Church 'D' 1138
18 14 Ron Stanbridge Free Church 'D' 1134
19 18 Lleryn Brocklehurst Free Church 'D' 1116
20 19 Chris Blowey Free Church 'E' 1013
21 25 Tom Hunt Free Church 'E' 871
22 20 Luke Hobbins Free Church 'E' 850
23 21 Keith Knott Free Church 'F' 796
24 22 Adam Cooper Free Church 'D' 751
25 23 Andy Blowey Free Church 'E' 672
26 24 Philip Blowey Free Church 'E' 616
27 26 Estyn Williams Free Church 'F' 479
28 32 Jake Harrison Free Church 'F' 441
29 27 Sam Smith Free Church 'H' 387
30 29 Ricky Fell Free Church 'G' 345
31 28 Tom Smith Free Church 'H' 334
32 34 Scott Delday Free Church 'L' 329
33 30 Tom Crellin Free Church 'G' 329
34 31 Russell Spencer Free Church 'J' 307
35 37 Charlotte Spencer Free Church 'J' 264
36 33 Ross McDermott Free Church 'I' 232
37 36 Geoff Scholes Free Church 'M' 226
38 35 Philip Booth Free Church 'I' 204
39 47 Holly Thompson Free Church 'Q' 203
40 38 Lindy Myers Free Church 'N' 195
41 45 Jakob Lane Free Church 'K' 187
42 46 Jack Hobbins Free Church 'L' 177
43 40 Callum Jeromson Free Church 'K' 173
44 39 James Payne Free Church 'Q' 166
45 52 Lewis Barge Free Church 'K' 148
46 41 Stuart Thompson Free Church 'O' 146
47 42 Neil Murphy Free Church 'O' 137
48 48 Roald Myers Free Church 'N' 127
49 49 Chris Marlow Free Church 'P' 109
50 44 Michael Turner Free Church 'H' 105
51 50 Robert Smith Free Church 'H' 99
52 43 Anthony Reeve Free Church 'I' 91
53 53 Luke Spencer Free Church 'J' 85
54 56 Anita Whitehouse Free Church 'G' 74
55 51 Chris Beckett Free Church 'O' 62
56 61 Lucy Marlow Free Church 'P' 62
57 54 Dale Murphy Free Church 'O' 60
58 57 Lauren Delday Free Church 'P' 53
59 58 Henry Carpenter Free Church 'N' 51
60 55 Kyle Thompson Free Church 'O' 42
61 62 Georgina Scholes Free Church 'M' 40
62 59 Ashley Edwards Free Church 'Q' 28
63 60 Andrew Martin Free Church 'O' 26
64 63 Hollie Edwards Free Church 'M' 20

Riverhouse Henley

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 - Mike Evetts Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1580
2 1 Mark Dudley Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1513
3 3 Steve Proctor Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1439
4 2 Richard Lancucki Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1357
5 4 Steven Shaw Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1236
6 5 Inky Moss Riverhouse Henley 'A' 1188
7 6 Joe Shaw Riverhouse Henley 'B' 592
8 7 John Averiss Riverhouse Henley 'B' 282
9 8 Nathan Lee Riverhouse Henley 'B' 232

Royal Naval Association

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 William Fletcher R.N.A. 'C' 1855
2 2 Tony Thomas R.N.A. 'A' 1710
3 3 Ken Southwell R.N.A. 'A' 1612
4 5 Dorothy Macfarlane R.N.A. 'C' 1591
5 6 Richard Smith R.N.A. 'B' 1588
6 4 Andy Davies R.N.A. 'C' 1586
7 8 Daryl Burgess R.N.A. 'C' 1479
8 7 Kay Nason R.N.A. 'C' 1476
9 9 Steve Poole R.N.A. 'B' 1380
10 10 Ian Stevens R.N.A. 'A' 1377
11 11 Kim Wong R.N.A. 'A' 1356
12 12 Duncan Hall R.N.A. 'B' 1331
13 16 Dave Harding R.N.A. 'B' 1263
14 13 Steve Kurle R.N.A. 'D' 1261
15 14 Robin Fox Strangways R.N.A. 'D' 1247
16 15 Richard Miles R.N.A. 'B' 1201
17 18 Albert McKay R.N.A. 'D' 1191
18 17 James Stanley Thomas R.N.A. 'D' 1162
19 19 Pam Beedham R.N.A. 'D' 1016


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Ian Randle Rugby Town 2273
2 - Peter Morris Rugby Lawford 1894
3 2 Alan Chan Rugby Lawford 1459
4 3 Alum Durrani Rugby Lawford 1354
5 6 Jack Randle Rugby Town 1287
6 4 Don Pritchard Rugby Lawford 1243
7 5 Tom Bradley Rugby Lawford 1143
8 7 Richard Grant Rugby Lawford 1077
9 11 Daniel Fellowes Rugby Town 937
10 8 Steven Maddison Rugby Town 934
11 - Dave Cox Rugby Lawford 917
12 9 Joe Stoica Rugby Lawford 872
13 10 Jack Koumi Rugby Lawford 808
14 13 Matthew Outhwaite Rugby Lawford 695
15 12 Tristan Mobbs Rugby Lawford 627
16 14 Ben Meakin Rugby Lawford 494

St. Georges

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 2 Ian Packford St. Georges 'A' 2447
2 1 Ron Vose St. Georges 'B' 2414
3 4 Earl Sweeney St. Georges 'A' 2282
4 3 Mike Bishop St. Georges 'A' 2276
5 5 Martyn Todd St. Georges 'A' 2105
6 9 Jimmy Pittaway St. Georges 'B' 2044
7 7 Rob Warnes St. Georges 'B' 1997
8 6 Peter Dasher St. Georges 'A' 1987
9 8 Rob Bennett St. Georges 'D' 1938
10 10 Brian Aston St. Georges 'C' 1884
11 11 Alf Chapman St. Georges 'C' 1834
12 12 Bert Banks St. Georges 'C' 1635
13 13 Simon Friling St. Georges 'B' 1610
14 14 Martin Bennett St. Georges 'D' 1597
15 15 Tracey Fletcher St. Georges 'C' 1420
16 16 Gary Edwards St. Georges 'C' 1392
17 17 Richard Grover St. Georges 'C' 1225
18 18 Andy Caine St. Georges 'C' 1193
19 19 Tony Bennett St. Georges 'D' 1029
20 20 Paul Nason St. Georges 'E' 919
21 21 Luke Bennett St. Georges 'D' 601
22 22 Philip Morby St. Georges 'F' 445
23 23 Steven Johnson St. Georges 'F' 438
24 25 Lawerence Sweeney St. Georges 'E' 290
25 24 Karen Toozer St. Georges 'E' 275

Standard Photographic

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Brendan Leahy Standard Photo 1043
2 2 Geoff Taylor Standard Photo 938
3 3 Chris Fincham Standard Photo 460

Warwickshire County Council

Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Mathew Hobday W.C.C. 'A' 2453
2 2 Mark Jackson W.C.C. 'A' 2436
3 3 Patrick McCabe W.C.C. 'A' 2430
4 4 Phil Paine W.C.C. 'A' 2300
5 6 Simon Griew W.C.C. 'B' 2225
6 5 Clive Irwin W.C.C. 'A' 2222
7 7 Nilton Green W.C.C. 'B' 1990
8 8 Greg Saville W.C.C. 'B' 1907
9 9 Derek Harwood W.C.C. 'B' 1825
10 10 Martin Hunter W.C.C. 'B' 1765
11 11 Doug Lowe W.C.C. 'C' 1552
12 13 Graham Roberts W.C.C. 'C' 1336
13 12 Tony Ford W.C.C. 'D' 1274
14 15 Susan Clarke W.C.C. 'C' 1256
15 14 Reg Warnes W.C.C. 'C' 1223
16 16 Howard Rodgers W.C.C. 'D' 1019
17 18 Pat Woolvin W.C.C. 'D' 554
18 17 Andy Woodfield W.C.C. 'D' 516


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Andrew Cockerill Wellesbourne 2596
2 2 Michael Wilkins Wellesbourne 2315
3 3 Pete Dunnett Wellesbourne 2269
4 4 Gary Stewart Wellesbourne 2156
5 5 Sven Rudolph Wellesbourne 1903
6 6 Jim Betts Wellesbourne 1560


Posn Prev Player Team Points
1 1 Mark Woolerton Whitnash 'A' 2552
2 1 Jon Williams Whitnash 'A' 2512
3 2 Alan Hewitt Whitnash 'A' 2507
4 3 Richard Arnold Whitnash 'A' 2234
5 4 Ian Perry Whitnash 'A' 2024
6 5 Terry Smith Whitnash 'B' 1750
7 6 Paul Ryman Whitnash 'B' 1682
8 7 Jane Dickens Whitnash 'A' 1651
9 8 John Bunn Whitnash 'B' 1604
10 9 Dennis Woodhead Whitnash 'B' 1579
11 10 Peter Elliott Whitnash 'B' 901
12 11 Suzi Lingard Whitnash 'B' 777