Press Reports 2005/06

Reports of league matches are printed in the Courier, the Observer, the Stratford Herald and the Mid Week Pink edition of the Coventry Evening Telegraph. These are compiled from the match cards which teams are asked to submit promptly and annotate with any interesting details about the match. The Press Officer welcomes reports from other competitions involving Leamington league players for publication. Reports can be submitted by email (preferred), post or phone. The Press Officer also welcomes photos (in print form) which these papers are often prepared to publish. The Press Officer and sports editors all work to tight deadlines and errors inevitably occur occasionally.

The sports editors (who do a splendid job) sometimes shorten or omit reports for reasons of space. They often reword reports and always choose their own headlines. If you would like to read the reports as submitted by the Press Officer they are reproduced below.

Week Beginning

Leamington Reports

26/9/2005 28/11/2005 6/2/2006 10/4/2006
3/10/2005 5/12/2005 13/2/2006 17/4/2006
10/10/2005 12/12/2005 20/2/2006 24/4/2006
17/10/2005 19/12/2005 27/2/2006 1/5/2006
24/10/2005 2/1/2006 6/3/2006 8/5/2006
31/10/2005 9/1/2006 13/3/2006 15/5/2006
7/11/2005 16/1/2006 20/3/2006 22/5/2006
14/11/2005 23/1/2006 27/3/2006  
21/11/2005 30/1/2006 3/4/2006  

Birmingham Reports


Birmingham Closed 2005-06 Preview
Birmingham Closed 2005-06 Report