Promotion and relegation in the 2 aside divisions
At present the two aside divisions A, B and C have 12, 6 and 12 teams
respectively. This is because the majority of teams asked to be put in
either the top or bottom divisions. However this is causing problems in
relation to fixtures and venues. Where two teams want to share a venue
they have to be given numbers 6 apart in the fixture chart so that one
is always away when the other is at home. This works even if the teams
are in different divisions provided the divisions all use the same fixture
chart. Having one of the divisions using a different fixture chart from
the others means the system does not work for teams in that division paired
with teams in another division. For this reason the Executive Committee
has decided that when the 2 aside divisions are reformed after Christmas
they will all use the 12 team chart. This will be achieved by altering
the number of teams promoted and relegated as follows:- Division A - 3
teams relegated Division B - 1 team promoted and 1 team relegated Division
C - 3 teams promoted. The change will also mean that there will be vacancies
available in Divisions A, B and C for new teams to join after Christmas
if they wish. The Executive Committee agreed that this decision should
be publicised now so that all teams knew where they stood.