Squad Training.
The West Midland
Region are holding an Assessment day on Saturday 28th May at Lilleshall
National Training Centre for the following groups of players :-
Under 11
- groups separate
for Girls & Boys.
This process
is part of the ETTAs strategy of setting up Regional Development Centres.
Both the selection of the players and the coaches will be under the direction
of the ETTA Technical Manager Steen Kyst-Hansen.
This will be
an opportunity to receive a days coaching and possible selection to the
Regional Training Squads. These Centres are being planned to run one evening
each week. It is also envisaged that these will lead to the setting up
of a Regional High Performance Centre for those players showing the
most progress. The Squads are expected to start in September.
Details to
be announced later. Each year we select players to represent the West
Midlands in the annual National Regional Squad Championships held at Fenton
Manor, Stoke-on-Trent. This competition has grown in strength and stature
over the years involving many top National Squad players. It will be our
policy to select future teams only from our Regional Training Squads.
You are invited
to nominate any under 15* year old boys and girls that you believe should
attend. Please complete either the slip below or the attached form and
return to me by the 2nd May. [*Born on/after 1/1/91].
There is a
charge of £10 per person with entry.
Regards, Mike
Mike Prior
Regional Coaching Chairman.
Tel: 01386 834129. e-mail :
Nomination for the WM Regional Assessment Training Day on 28th May 2005
at Lilleshall N.T.C., Staffordshire
Name :
Date of Birth :
Gender :
Coach :
Address :
Post Code :
Tel. No. :
E-mail :
Please send with payment of £10 per entry to : [ No later than 2nd May
Mike Prior,
The Willows,
Village Street,
Worcs. WR11 7YE