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Outstanding 2 A side matches

Please remember all these matches must be played and the results notified to me by Dec 31st. Matches played in w/c Dec 24th should be notified to me by e-mail or phone. Also if a match has been agreed not to be played or is claimed it must be notified to me in the same way.

New divisions will be notified Jan 4th 2008 on this site and by post, It will be assumed that all teams playing in the first half will be competiting in the second. To date I have notification of one extra team from Coventry and the disbandment of LCP Dreamers. If anybody else is not participating in the 2nd half competition or wishes to add a further team please let me have details ASAP

Malcolm Macfarlane
League Secretary

Match Status Report - Outstanding Matches, matches up to 31/12/2007

Division A

FISSC 'B' against St. Georges 'F - unplayed

Division B

Eathorpe 'I' against Free Church 'L'

Division C

Free Church 'T' against Free Church 'S'
Free Church 'T' against Rugby 'H' - Claimed
Rugby 'H' against Snitterfield 'B'- will be unplayed
Harbury Lane 'B' against Rugby 'H' - Claimed
Free Church 'R' against Free Church 'T' - will be unplayed
Snitterfield 'B' against Free Church 'R' - will be unplayed